Monday, January 29, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Famous Novelist Skewers the Radical Left
You just have to read this. It is so good.
Norm Geras who writes a popular British blog notes this priceless interview with with famous British Novelist Martin Amis in the Guardian:
What is the most depressing thing about Britain you have observed since your return? And the best?...
Martin Amis: The most depressing thing was the sight of middle-class white demonstrators, last August, waddling around under placards saying, We Are All Hizbollah Now. Well, make the most of being Hizbollah while you can. As its leader, Hasan Nasrallah, famously advised the West: "We don't want anything from you. We just want to eliminate you."
Similarly, when I went on Question Time the other week, a woman in the audience, her voice quavering with self-righteousness, presented the following argument: since it was America that supported Osama bin Laden when he was fighting the Russians, the US armed forces, in response to September 11, "should be dropping bombs on themselves!" And the audience applauded. It is quite an achievement. People of liberal sympathies, stupefied by relativism, have become the apologists for a creedal wave that is racist, misogynist, homophobic, imperialist, and genocidal. To put it another way, they are up the arse of those that want them dead.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Loyal Democrat
The following is a reply to a Townhall article on 01/22/07 by Burt Prelutsky regarding Black racism. The reply is from "Loyal Democrat" and is noteworthy for its subtle satire. It also highlights the attitude of some in the Democratic party who continue to believe that Blacks are incapable of achievement without assistance. Read on:
It is shameful for a noted columnists to even suggest that anything any black person does wrong is their own fault. Black society has had to endure the bonds of slavery, something virtually no other race has ever had to experience, so they cannot be held to the same social standards as members of other races. Every black person alive today bears the scars of having been held as slaves, and that bondage has deprived them from taking advantage of the opportunities that America offers exclusively to whites. It is ludicrous to expect any black to behave in what whites consider to be a civilized society when the shackle marks are still fresh on their wrists, and it is ridiculous to expect any black to have any semblance of an education since no teachers were holding class out in the cotton fields.
White racism is being voiced whenever black culture is criticized for its illegitimacy rates, drug use, and runaway crime. Such characteristics are what makes up the black culture, and just because such activities are unacceptable to whites, that is no reason for blacks to eschew their own culture and attempt to act white just to get along. What whites consider to be poor language skills, anti-social behavior, and irresponsible parenting is actually the culture that blacks are proud to call their own, and it is the culture that icons such as Jesse Jackson fight to maintain.
It is racist for whites to call black culture improper and encourage blacks to change their ways. Blacks that study in school, desire achievement, stay off of drugs, and avoid unwed parenthood are indeed attempting to fit into white culture, so it is proper that black society shun such sellouts. To emulate the members of another culture is wrong, for it just indicates that the sellout is ashamed of his own culture. White racism encourages this sellout attitude.
The simple fact is that black culture developed into its current form because blacks cannot help but behave in the way that they do. Due to their history of subjugation, blacks are not able to make the type of educated decisions that members of other races can. Their unique heritage of slavery has ensured that blacks will not perform well at jobs or school for perhaps dozens more decades, if ever. Therefore, it is up to white society to implement programs that make things as simple and easy to comprehend as possible, otherwise no black can ever hope to achieve anything when competing against a white person, or a person of any other race for that matter. Blacks will not be able to achieve anything without help and handouts from whites, and it is racists for any white to withhold such help.
In keeping with an anti-racist attitude, the Democrat Party has been there for blacks every step of the way. Even in the early days Democrats fought to keep blacks from attending white schools, thus keeping them from feeling intimidated and embarrassed by their poor performance. Today, Democrats fight to keep affirmative action alive because only Democrats fully realize that it is idiotic to expect any black to perform well when matched against a white person on a level playing field. Thus, Democrats have fought to keep black culture alive by blocking efforts to curtail the proud black tradition of illegitimate births, high crime rates, and poor academic performance. Democrats have fought for lenient treatment of black criminals, and have worked to ensure no black remains in jail for very long. With this, an individual that the racist white society considers to be "violent" is able to return back to his neighborhood in record time where he can once again be part of the black culture.
Democrats have recognized that blacks are victims that need the protection and handouts of whites, and they have provided many government programs for any black that has wisely chosen to remain on the Democrat plantation. The Democrat Party has been the blacks' best friend, for only they recognize just how inferior members of the black race are, and only they have done something about it.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Phyllis Schafly Uncovers Another Bush Deception
Phyllis Schlafly has been a leader of the pro-family movement since 1972, when she started her national volunteer organization now called Eagle Forum. Her syndicated column appears in 100 newspapers. Writing in this week she reveals some very important items regarding immigration and social security reform. This is a must read that can have a serious impact on your social security. Here are a few quotes:
"President George W. Bush's secret plan for Social Security has just been released to the public in response to a Freedom of Information lawsuit filed by TREA Senior Citizens League, a million-member seniors advocacy group.
For years the president carried on an energetic public relations campaign to promote his plan to privatize part of Social Security, but he kept under White House lock and key the "totalization" agreement his administration secretly made with Mexico in June 2004.
If and when Bush personally signs this agreement, it will automatically become law without any congressional action.
Totalization is the bureaucratic buzzword for the plan to put millions of illegal Mexican workers into the U.S. Social Security system. They would collect U.S. benefits based on their U.S earnings under false or stolen Social Security numbers plus alleged earnings in Mexico.
U.S. citizens must work 10 years to be eligible for Social Security benefits, but the totalization agreement would allow Mexicans to qualify with only 18 months of work in the United States, and pretend to make up the difference by assuming work in Mexico. It is highly doubtful that the illegal immigrants ever paid into a Mexican system for eight and a half years."
Source:'s totalization plan threatens Social Security::By Phyllis Schlafly
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Bushes All or Nothing Policy Spells Doom
Mr. Bush outlined a number of reasons why the failure of his new war plan would be a disaster for the United States. However, this all or nothing approach has to be considered one of biggest tactical blunders of all time. By leaving no other doors open, the President has handed the terrorists a road map to success. They now know that if they can hold-on for another six months to a year they can come out on top. This will likely doom the Bush presidency to a legacy of failure and have disastrous consequences for the United States for many years to come.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Google Understands the Needs of the Little Guy
Microsoft, a long time ago, decided that their business plan was to market to business. This has led to complex programs with lots of bells and whistles. You must pay even if you don't need or want the extra items. And the little guy, doesn't give a hoot about 90% of the bloat that embellishes a Microsoft program . For the average home user you pay big bucks to buy complexity. It is so tiring to spend countless hours trying to make something work, following long instructions, and only ending up not accomplishing what needed to be done.
There are some things happening on the internet that may be able to break the MS strangle hold. Google is a company that seems to understand the needs of the little guy. Their programs are easy and user friendly. And Google does not seem to be obsessed with money and profits. By attracting millions of users with useful and mostly free software, Google still rakes in the money. This is because of truly unique and innovative marketing strategies.
It is rumored that Google is working on a new operating systems that resides not in your computer, but on the internet. This, I am thinking, may be a major break-through. It would be nice not to have to send Mr. Gates another couple of hundred dollars for something that is overly bloated with stuff you don't actually use.